Monday, June 15, 2020

Evaluation Of Public Security Agencies Research Paper - 275 Words

Public Security Agency Strategies In Improvement Of Law Enforcement And Emergency Medical Response Teams (Research Paper Sample) Content: Public Security Agency strategies in improvement of law enforcement and emergency medical response teamsNameInstitutionProfessorCourseDateTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc466901625 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc466901626 \h 3Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc466901627 \h 3The interviews PAGEREF _Toc466901628 \h 4Analysis of the research PAGEREF _Toc466901629 \h 5Reflection PAGEREF _Toc466901630 \h 6Reference PAGEREF _Toc466901631 \h 8AbstractThe public security agencies are mandated with the provision of security to every individual citizen of the particular country. This is engraved in all nations constitution as a right to every citizen. Hence, any attack against an innocent citizen pile loads of pressure to the public security services. These agencies have dealt with this pressure by developing new model that improve how the forces and the emergency response team react and deal with any event which can occur. The readiness and crisis control is also an important area the public security officers are reviewing. In the below text the activities of the reviews and modification of the law enforcers and emergency response team model that enhance their skills and abilities is discussed in detail below.IntroductionPublic administration and service have an imperative responsibility bestowed to them. Protecting the general publics lives is not a light issue as it sounds. High degree of ethic and discipline should be maintained and always checked. Regular training to all these stuff is also necessary to make sure their always at per with the new tactic being developed all to harm the public security. This has been a thorn in the shoes of many governments and to reduce the pressure on them have formed public security agencies. The agencies are mandated in making decisions on the course of training of the public servants who are in charge of protecting the general public. This is a critical role in any decision made affects the pub lic security directly, (White, 2006). It also affects the standards of the services the public servants offer. This is important since they always have to emphasize the importance of saving the general public lives regardless of the price to pay. This level of loyalty needs well motivated and a celebrated individual who without any doubt know every effort the put in their work if highly appreciated.Literature ReviewAccording to Lewis, (2012) the public security agencies are mandated with structuring of the course taught by the law enforcers and the emergency response teams. Their responsibilities include ensuring the every employee knows and applies the required code of conduct and takes the appropriate action in case of a breach. Lewis (2012) clearly states that the responsibilities in police is the effective way to restructure the police force for maximum efficacy and finally gives how to attain maximum responsible force and effective.As per the publication by (White, 2006)., that states for any agency be it in law enforcement medical or emergencies rapid response team or even military action, the realization of accountability is entirely dependent on the inculcated virtues. The major traits or values emphasized are integrity, honest respect, and courtesy. These are core values that guide the agencies policy making and over-seeing the overall functioning of the law enforcers and security agencies. With the complete incorporation of the named values, every employee automatically will reflect the growth of trust between the law enforcers and the general public. This is a very important since ultimately it enhances service delivery, (White, 2006).According to LaFave, (1965) there is need to improve the police forces. The author came up with the conclusion that public security cant be achieved by letting the ball lie squarely on the law enforces court. All the involved agencies and especially the judiciary should also help in evidence development and processing. This helps in boosting morale to the law enforcers.In the Asian Defense and security summit meeting of the year 2017, they discussed on how to improve the defense forces especially in security implementation. The summit discussed all the modern ways that terrorist and criminal are using in undertaking their agendas. Asian countries present included India, China, Japan among others. In the summit it was evident a lot is being done in provision of public security but not enough, ("Home" Np). This was proved by the budgets allocated to fight crime and terrorism. An example China allocated a budget of $80million in the year 2015 and since then the budget has been escalating. The major crimes which have led to the exponential security budget allocation is cyber crimes. This crimes have become rampant that is giving governments sleepless nights. China in the summit stated that they have an allocated budget for a special branch of crime investigation,. The special branch was to be mandat ed by fighting cyber crimes, hate speech spread through social media and even cyber bullying, ("Home" Np). The is a new strategy in fighting crime, one which is working excellent. After the launch in one year of operation the special branch had cut cyber crimes in China by half.The interviewsThe project was undertaken by using the interview method. Had a one on one interview with several retired law-enforcers. The first candidate who is a retired sheriff had a lot he gained the thirty years he was in the force. The learned to work in teams, honesty and respect to his equals, juniors, and even seniors. Beside these the respect and honor he receives in his community is unparalleled. He has been called upon to advise high school graduated on the importance of these core values in workplace and society. He even has occasionally received requests to perform jury services.The other interviewee was a seal who got an honorable discharge of after a spinal injury. The now takes part in guida nce and counseling especially to law enforcers who are going through rough patches or struggling with addiction. He says The force has given me all I have made me all I am, I can imagine how much I should give back to my appreciation . He reckons all his friends are those he served with while in the service and his three sons have joined in the law enforcement too. He says the public agencies inculcate principle, values, and virtues to the employee to a level that once you are out you cannot think of any other thing but help the public. His biggest regret is the little effort taken by the government and security agencies on catering to ex-law enforcer. Most end up with serious conditions, and a good structure should be put in place to help them especially in the basic requirements and medications needed.From the collected information it is clear to conclude, the public security agencies are heading in the right direction. Their strategies are effect within and without the forces. This is proven by the high level of respect and honor the ex-law enforcers receive. Even though, the agencies have worked not enough has been done, so many ex-law enforcers are sleeping hungry on the streets, other are perishing due to lack of necessary medication and other struggling with addictions especially alcoholism. The security agencies should find a way of giving back to these heroes, who have given the nation their youth, time and energy in ensuring its prosperity. The efforts like the establishment of the Posse Comitatus Act in the United State of America, is a step towards the right direction. The act called for abolishment of military force in law-enforcement. It was also to maintain the control of law enforcement agencies under the public, this helps in checks and balances.Analysis of the researchAfter the responses we received from the interviewees, I ran a correlation and regression analysis. The null hypothesis was The military models and trainings have had no effe ct improvement of service delivery.  The alternative hypothesis was that the data since were very few interviewees had to rate the different responses of interviewees on a scale of one to ten. Where the interviewee strongly insisted was awarded a scale of ten and where they completely rejected was a zero. The middle of the scale was given to terms like maybe,  I think,  among others whi...